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 Ramadhan 1433 H




Story by Abdullah bin Jaafar : " I see Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam eat fruits with ripe dates.

"Story by Jumaah bin Abdullah tell by Marwan that get news from Ibnu Hashim that Amir bin Saad hear that his father story Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam said : "Anyone who eats 7 seeds of tamar ajwah he will be restrained from evil surprises and magic on that day".

Dates benefit "Ajwah" as mentioned in the above hadith is an advantage which be given by Allah S.W.T according to the glory as the first tree planted by Rasulullah S.A.W.

Also found in Al-Quran, sentence that mentioned about dates advantages, experienced by Sayydatuna Maryam when she pregnant  Nabi Isa alaihi Salam in Surah Maryam verse 25 :

"And shake the dates palm right on him, later they drop ripe dates upon you".

The above verse describes the benefits of dates to women who are in childbirth, when Allah ordered Maryam to eat while she was weak after chilbirth. Scientific research findings about the benefits of dates that are rich in iron and calcium has shown that the medical way of Islam are content in al-Quran and hadith Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam is not the kind of purely medical in accordance with climatic conditions only Arabs or outdated, but it is medical that been verified by world organization. It is even better than modern medicine that uses a diverse mix of drugs can cause other side effects.

Elements iron and calcium found in fruits of the palm is the highest element to form breast milk. For mothers who have a decreased milk problem, when eat it, can encourage increased milk content. It also plays a role in the growth of infant children and the formation of blood and bone marrow. Among other studies, however, proved that the dates of the most fast food is processed as energy supply. Dates are immediately burned, and it will be referred to other members and the brain.

Rasulullah have said on this matter:" Feed dates to the wibes who are pregnant and anyone who eats the dates during pregnancy, the child will be born will be a gentle son and courteous, because Siti Maryam food when giving birth Nabi Isa AS is the fruit dates."

Based on this Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam hold us to break the fast with dates as saying of the means: :

"Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam break fasting with a few pieces of dates before prayer. If no any dates available, then Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam will break fasting with a few pieces of grape. If no any grape available, than he will drink water. (Hadith story by Ahmad)

Relation to this hadith there are other traditions that suggest that we break the fasting with dates. As in the hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik, he said : "Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasalla break fasting with dates and those who do not get it, then let him break fasting with water because the water is clean."

Among the other traditions that reflect the advantanges of dates :

Mean : From Adiy bin Hatim, he said : "I'm hear Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam said : "Avoid the hell though (giving alms) the dates".

This hadith describes the glory of dates, that even with only the dates we give charity we are spared from the hell..

So for those who are concerned about their health to always be treated with care, dates are very suitable as one of their daily diets, especially in the morning before starting any day to day work. Nutrition dates is also suitable and good for the growth of children.

Hopefully with the continued practice of eating dates, we are spared the various possibilities and to continue daily tasks as well as worship to Allah S.W.T.


Dates high lifted by Rasulullah SAW because have high food value content. Protein content in the palm of approximately 1.8 to 2.0 per cent, fiber 2.0 to 4.0 per cent and sugar 50 to 57 per cent glucose. This shows that sugar in it has changed in nature. Means that when we eat the dates, the energy absorbed in the body are immediate.  Instead of sugar in many fruits known as fructose and cane sugar or regular sugar contains sucrose can not be absorbed directly into the body. It had to be broken first by the enzyme before turning into glucose and absorbed by the body for energy. 

It is sunnah to break with dates for those who are fasting not eat for 12 hours. Dates pitched in immediately to the eaters and this facilitates an evening of worship and prayer or tarawih. When the body feels fresh and energetic it stop us overeating or temptation. Sometimes the break time we eat too much, but still tired and without energy. The reason, most of the food consumed carbohydrate, without energy immediately became the cause of the meal, sleepy eyes.

We eat without remove the skin of dates. Very good for preventing colon cancer because it ease. While vitamins A and C are high level or rotab khalal and declined slightly at the dates. In addition, it contains minerals and the most widely known as potassium. Potassium is needed for the body's nervous system, because the dates are potent. It is in milk, yogurt and seafood also contain potassium, but the amount slightly.

Many think only raisins are good for enhancing memory, in fact, dates are also comparable. Perhaps for that reason certain parties or grape producing countries have carried out a campaign to popularize raisins and nutritious meals.

Narrated by Aishah r.a. said that, dates have medicine. “If those who often eat dates will be eliminated from the poison consumed.”

In the medical field in the absence of cholesterol, fat and sugar in the dates, it is good to relieve high blood pressure. In homeopathy, a fine-grained dates seed powder or made as tea. Soaked and drunk to cure various diseases.

Through specific rules, dates eaten with almonds and honey to cure disease. Dates said to increase sexual energy or sexual. Juice of dates may be new in this country, but in producing countries as well as eaten fresh, dried or smoked, seeds removed and replaced with peanuts, almonds or cashews. Dates were also made jam, syrup or additives in ice cream.

Dates is a fruit that is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, vitamins A and C and also niacin. Usually eaten during Ramadhan and a nutritious and highly valued in traditional medical world.

In scientific terms is effective in treating a chronic disorder of the intestines, where the incompatibility with the gluten, to prevent the absorption of nutrients properly.

Dates contain a type of protein and minerals to stop abnormal response triggered by gluten in the small intestine. The reaction is left unchecked could lead to the production of excess white blood cells.

apart from intestinal disorders, effective dates juice to overcome constipation. However, this drink is not suitable in practice by those who suffer from diabetes, because it can cause more serious effects.

Dates juice is also an effective remedy in traditional medicine to overcome insomnia. For those who have trouble coughing fit to practice dates juice as the sugar content in fruits of the dates to act eliminates itch in the throat at once stop the cough.

Dates is plants with a variety of powers that has been proven. in the Quran there are 21 verses that mention dates.

According to the opinion of medical experts, dates are rich in iron and calcium elements suitable for women either pregnancy and after childbirth. It is based on a revelation by Allah to the Isa mother, Maryam binti Imran to eat dates when he was weak after childbirth.


Based on the verses of the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet, the scientists working on the medicinal value of trees. According to research Dr. Mahmud Nazim Al-Nasimy the book contains in terms of duration of medical, and legal fiqhiyah, findings show dates juice can help grip the womb during the birth process, strengthen the nerves of the uterus during the final months of pregnancy and to help facilitate the process birth. dates juice can reduce blood spilled, strengthen organs, uterus and reduce blood pressure effectively. 

Research by Professor Madhya Aisyah Mohd Zain Lecturer from Science and Biotechnology Faculty University Putra Malaysia, showed that dates juice helps prevent constipation, muscle weakness, body aches, fatigue and colon cancer, stimulate appetite, boost memory and ease. In addition to increasing sexual energy, dates can also be used as a mouthwash.

According to the results from Egyptian Science has proven benefits in helping to warm-up dates, revitalize the brain and the body and invigorate the mind, help the growth of children. It also helps smooth blood circulation and prevent cancer, treat kidney and liver cleanse, reduce blood flow at birth.

Not only in dates, shoots from trees could also serve food and it also has its own benefits.

World producer dates are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria

Dry Dates Content %
Sugar More 50
Protein More 2
Fat More 2
Mineral Source More 2

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica CD99.

Dates Prevent Stroke Attack  

• High in calories and easily digested by the body's ideal if you used when break fasting. However, there are more special benefits; trees can reduce the risk of stroke burden, thanks to high potassium. Fruits are the main source of vitamins, especially vitamin C and minerals. It is, however, the energy content or low calories, because the burden is also low fat. However, there are exceptions, such as dates. The fat content in the dates can also be ignored. However, high carbohydrate make this fruit provided high energy as well. In fact, the highest among the large family of fruits. Other, dates contain nutrients essential for body functions to make more regular heart rate, activates muscle contractions, and helps organize blood pressure. That's why dates is so special. Moreover, some research shows high potassium foods can reduce the risk of stroke.

Enough 5 Pellet per day..!

* The research on patterns of food made to 859 men and women aged above 50 years in Northern California, USA, known, small differences in the patterns of food potassium concentration can predict the expected chance they died of stroke 12 years later. None of the highest dose of potassium (more than 3500 mg per day0 died from stroke. Conversely, those who regularly abstain from low potassium (less than 1950 mg per day) had a fatal stroke risk is much higher compared to other. Among those who consume the most low potassium consumption, died of stroke 2.6 times for men and 4.8 times for woman. The more potassium rich foods consumed more often less likely to suffer the stroke.

The researchers concluded with only one type of extra eating foods rich in potassium (at least 400 mg daily) reduced the risk of fatal can reach 40%. 400 mg potassium level is easy once you fill by eating about 65 g dry date only, or the equivalent of five particular dates. Foods high in potassium, according to Dr. Louis Tobian, Jr., Hypertension expert from the U.S. University of Minnesota, also helps lower blood pressure and may give additional strength to prevent stroke directly, as a blood pressure condition.

To prove it, Dr. Tobian an experiment on two groups of rats exposed to hypertension. One group of rats given high dietary potassium and other groups of normal potassium diet. The result is extraordinary. Among the group of mice that have a high potassium content, not even one brain bleeding. While 40% in the group of mice received normal potassium suffers mild stroke as evidenced by the bleeding of the brain.

From the results of the research, Dr. Tobian conclusion, the consumption of extra potassium to keep artery walls elastic and function remains normal. This situation makes the blood vessels are not easily damaged by high blood pressure. So clearly, dates that have been traditionally served as a meal to break their fast in Ramadan, not the usual appetizers.  However, to ensure that the dates look positive, perhaps more remains to be proved through research.

Have Activity Such Aspirin/Pill Killer

* Besides potassium, useful for heart and vascular health, also contain salicylates on dates. This substance, known as the raw material of aspirin, drugs or reducing the pain and fever relievers. Salicylate is preventing blood splash, anti-inflammatory and destroy the sense of horror/pain. Expert that, according to Nurfi Afriansyah, staff researchers Puslitbang Nutrition KIE Bogor salicylate may also affect the prostate gland (fatty acid hydroxide groups that stimulate muscle contractions, reduce blood pressure). Meanwhile, Jean Carper in her book food, Your Miracle Medicine stated dates are activities such as aspirin. Dry date, he said, is very high in salicylates akak its natural aspirin. Cherry, prune and dried raisins are also rich with potassium, because it contains salicylates, would react the same as people who take aspirin. Therefore, health professionals learn to disseminate their allergies are usually sensitive to aspirin to avoid foods containing salicylates, including dates.

On the other hand, experts temperamental curiosity on the development of salicylate in food that can provide performance similar to aspirin drinking. Indeed, there are studies that prove, regular aspirin, low dose (less than or half the usual dose consumed per day) would help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Given that, experts hope, low dose salicylates in foods consumed may also relieve headaches.

Nutrient Composition

* Dates can be eaten directly, in the dry or fresh. Moreover, they also can be used for a variety of dishes such as assorted bakery products, candy, ice cream, salad dressings and syrups.

In the Arab country dates get a pretty good place in society. The fruit is cylindrical with a single grooved seeds are usually consumed with milk processing results.

Nutritional value is assumed to be the main medium carbohydrate content high sugar. Carbohydrate content ranges from about 60% in soft dates (taken while still mushy and raw) to around 70% in dry date (the dried up in the trees, bronzed sun).

Many varieties of dates of glucose sugar (the type of sugar in blood) or fructose (the type of sugar found in most fruits). However, a variety called Deglet Noor is grown in California only sugar sucrose (also known as sugar).

According to Dr. Anwar El Mufti from Egypt, as daily collected "Buana Week", dates contain 70% sugar. Most of the sugars contained in them is treated as a natural and not harmful to health. Like sugar in fruit is called fructose, this substance is easily digested and easily burned by the body. With so could result in a high energy, without hurting the body to process, digest and make it as good nutrition. That is why the dates are regarded as an ideal fruit for the meal break fasting or the sahur.

A glass of water containing glucose, by Dr. David Conning, Director of British Nutrition Foundation, will be absorbed by body in 20-30 minutes in the new expiry date date is absorbed within 45-60 minutes. Therefore, people who eat quite a lot of dates at the dawn will be fresh for a hungry, because this material is also rich in fiber.

Other dates containing various essentials vitamins, like vitamin A, thiamine and riboflavin in the amount of unreliable, as well as niacin and potassium in the number of highly reliable. In addition, the fruit turns out to also download a variety of other nutrients such as iron, vitamin B, nicotine acid and fiber (not nutrients) in amounts sufficient.

In each 100 g dry dates content vitamin A 50 IU, thiamine 0,09 mg, riboflavin 0,10 mg, niacin 2,20 mg, and calcium 666 mg. Nutritional substances that work to help release the energy, keep the skin and nerves in order to stay healthy and vital for the functioning of the heart.

Riboflavin and niacin. For example, it will help release energy from food, while thiamine helps release energy from carbohydrates. Vitamin A and niacin plays a role in forming and maintaining healthy skin. Thiamine important for nerve cells, while niacin maintain normal nerve function.

Dates also contain many important minerals, like magnesium, potassium and calcium. The minerals are needed by the body. Fiber in the dates function to activates the bowel, which facilitates bowel movement. The dates are also available such hormones(potuchsin) which collapses the blood vessels in the womb, so as to prevent uterine bleeding.


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