Kunyit Putih |
Kunyit Putih
Family : Zingiberaceae
Local Name : NAME OF JAWA DISTRICT: kunci pepet, temu
rapet, ardong (Jawa), kunir putih (Sunda).
Madura: konce pet. Melayu: temu putri, t. rapet.
FOREIGN NAME - SIMPLYSIA NAME Kaempferiae rotundae
Rhizoma (kunci pepet).
Disease Whose Curable : Rimpang his sense
bitter, his nature cold. Nutritious
antiinflammation, (karminatif), and
speed up wound healing.
Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria, known as kacōramu in Telugu) is
the name for a perennial herb and member of the genus
Curcuma Linn., family Zingiberaceae. The plant is native to
India and Indonesia. It was introduced to Europe by Arabs
around the sixth century, but its use as a spice in the West
today is extremely rare, having been replaced by ginger.
Zedoary is a rhizome that grows in tropical and subtropical
wet forest regions. The fragrant plant bears yellow flowers
with red and green bracts and the underground stem section
is large and tuberous with numerous branches. The leaf
shoots of the zedoary are long and can reach 1 meter (3
feet) in height.
The edible root of zedoary has a white interior and a
fragrance reminiscent of mango; however, its flavor is more
similar to ginger, except with a very bitter aftertaste. In
Indonesia it is ground to a powder and added to curry
pastes, whereas in India it tends to be used fresh or
Zedoary is also used in some traditional eastern medicines
where it is reputed to be an aid to digestion, a relief for
colic and an agent for purifying the blood.
The essential oil produced from the dried roots of Curcuma
zedoaria is used in perfumery and soap fabrication, as well
as an ingredient in bitter tonics.
Kapulaga |
Local Name : Kapulaga
Scientific Name : Amomum cardamomum
Kingdom : Plantae
: Magnoliophyta
Class : Liliopsida
Order : Zingiberales
: Zingiberaceae |
The name cardamom (or cardamon) is used for herbs within two
genera of the ginger family Zingiberaceae, namely Elettaria
and Amomum. Both varieties take the form of a small seedpod,
triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin
papery outer shell and small black seeds. Elettaria pods are
light green in color, while Amomum pods are larger and dark
Chemical Contents
cardamom contains
atsiri oil, sineol, terpineol, borneol,
betakamfer, sebinena, mirkena, mirtenal, karvona, terpinil
kersik. The
sweet smell is from asiri oil that contains 5 nutrients :
that has smells like the rubber of camphor.
that has pleasant smell like
also has pleasant smell like
that has pleasant smell like
that is tasty is quite hot and spicy like cajuput oil.
The combination smell of
pickle and cajuput oil form special smell of cardamom.
2.Fade the body smell
3.Fever and Hot
4.stomach stiff and rheumatic
5.Prevent feeling queasy
6.Amandel inflammation.
7.Menstrual syndrome
8.difficulty in breathing
9.Friable bone
Note :
In medical field, the dried seed is named as semen
cardamomi. Besides seed, root and fruit, the stem also can be
used in medication.
Some flavoring factories extract the asiri oil from
cardamom to form oil of cardamom and then filled into
the bottle. In oil form, cardamom is used to give taste in
soft drink and America ice cream at the factory. |
Sirih |
Local Name : Sirih
Scientific Name : Piper Betle L.
Other Name : Sirih Jawa, Betel Leaf
Family : Piperaceae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Piparales |
The Betel
(Piper betle) is a spice whose leaves have medicinal
properties. The plant is known by a series of different
names in the regions in which it is consumed - among these
are Taambuul and Nagavalli (Sanskrit), Vidyache pan
(Marathi), veeleya/vilya (kannada), Vetrilai (Tamil),
Vettila (Malayalam). The plant is evergreen and perennial,
with glossy heart-shaped leaves and white catkins, and grows
to a height of about 1 meter. The Betel plant originated
from South and South East Asia (India, Srilanka, Vietnam,
and Malaysia). The best Betel leaf is the "Magadhi" variety
(literally from the Magadha region) grown near Patna in
Bihar, India. In Kerala, the famous variety of betel leaf is
from Venmony near Chengannur and it is called "Venmony
Vettila". Betel leaf cultivated in Tirur, Kerala is also of
fine quality. Betel leaves exported from Tirur are famous in
Pakistan as "Tirur Pan".
Chemical contents
The active ingredients of betel oil, which is obtained from
the leaves, are primarily a class of allylbenzene compounds.
Though particular emphasis has been placed on chavibetol
(betel-phenol; 3-hydroxy-4-methoxyallylbenzene), it also
contains chavicol (p-allyl-phenol; 4-allyl-phenol),
estragole (p-allyl-anisole; 4-methoxy-allylbenzene), eugenol
(allylguaiacol; 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-allylbenzene;
2-methoxy-4-allyl-phenol), methyl eugenol (eugenol methyl
ether; 3,4-dimethoxy-allylbenzene), and hydroxycatechol
Several terpenes and terpenoids are present in the betel oil
as well. There are two monoterpenes, p-cymene and terpinene,
and two monoterpenoids, eucalyptol and carvacrol.
Additionally, there are two sesquiterpenes, cadinene and
Aphthous ulcer
3. Bronchitis
5. reduce white discharge in the menstrual cycle of women.
6.Gum problems
7.Dengue fever
8.Mouth odor
9.Menstrual cycle problem
11.Throat inflammation
12.Burnt injury
13.Skin diseases
14.Boil and release itchy
15.Eyes pain
For bleeding nose, wash 2 betel leaves, roll them and put into
nose holes.
For white discharge problem, a few of betel leaves that have
been cleaned are boiled and the lukewarm water is used to
wash the vagina especially after urination.
There are 2 ways for mouth odor, first way by chewing until
fine the betel leaves that have been cleaned. The second way
is by boiling it, then it is cooled and filtered. It is used
in gargling 2 to 3 times a day.
For swelling gum, boil 5-6 betel leaves with 3 glasses of
boiling water, after that put a little bit of salt. The
lukewarm water is used in gargling 2-3 times a day.
For body odor,2-3 betel leaves is boiled with ½ glass of
water, then the leaves are taken out. Put sugar before
drink. If you don’t want to drink the water, the other method
is by putting a little bit of betel chalk on the betel
leaf. The leaf is then being kneaded soft and rubbed to the
Dukung Anak |
Local Name : Dukung Anak
Name :
Phyllanthus Niruri
Name :
Kelek anak, meniran (Indonesia), Bhuaionla,
Family :
: Plantae
: Magnoliophyta
: Magnoliopsida
: Malpighiales
: Phyllanthaceace
: Phyllantus
P. Niruri |
The annual herb Phyllanthus niruri is best known by the
common names Stonebreaker(Eng.), Chanca Piedra(Sp.) and
Quebra Pedra(Port.), Seed-Under-Leaf(Eng.) but has many
other common names in assorted languages, including dukong
anak, dukong-dukong anak, amin buah, rami buah, turi hutan,
and bhuiaonla. It is a widespread tropical plant commonly
found in coastal areas. It is a relative of the spurges,
belonging to the leaf flower genus of Family Phyllanthaceae.
It grows 50 to 70 centimeters tall and bears ascending
herbaceous branches. The bark is smooth and light green. It
bears numerous pale green flowers which are often flushed
with red. The fruits are tiny, smooth capsules containing
The plant has long been used as an herbal remedy for urinary
calculi, and has been shown in modern medical research
studies to reduce the risks of stones in individuals prone
to the condition. Research on the plant continues to
determine if it has any other beneficial effects. It may
have antiviral activity.
Chemical contents
1. - Geraniin
2 - Niruriside
3 - Phyllanthin
4 - Rutin
Dukung anak is said to be very suitable to cure Hepatitis B
because this herbal plant can purify the blood in the
body. It is very easy. We just have to take the plant (about 5
) and clean them. Then punch the plant until fine. Put them
into the water and drink. Because of its bitter taste, it can
be mixed with syrup, yogurt or goat milk. According to the
scientific research, this plant is safe to be taken and not
This plant is actually famous in Amazon as the remedy for
gall bladder stone. By the end of 80s,it is identified has
antivirus to attack Hepatitis B including phytochemistry
that can control cells from surroundings pollution. In
Malaysia, Dukung Anak is used as diuretic and tonic after
miscarriage. Moreover, it also can be used as the cure for
diarrhea, kidney problem, gonorrhea and
syphilis. Meanwhile, juice or root and young leaf extract are
used to strengthen the kidney.
Anak dikatakan amat sesuai untuk merawat penyakit Hepatitis
B kerana tumbuhan herba ini boleh membersihkan darah dalam
badan. Untuk menggunakannya adalah mudah. Kita hanya perlu
mengambil semua sekali pokok Dukung anak itu (kira-kira lima
batang pokok) dan membersihkannya. Kemudian tumbuk pokok itu
sampai hancur atau lumat. Masukkan ke dalam segelas air
kosong dan terus minum. Oleh kerana rasanya agak pahit, ia
boleh dicampurkan dengan sirap, yogurt atau susu kambing.
Berdasarkan kajian saintifik, tumbuhan ini selamat untuk
digunakan dan tidak berbahaya.
Kidney problem : The
braised water or leaf and root juice is drunk
Cough : The
young leaf braised water is drunk
Injury, livid and ulcers injury :
leaf is rubbed at the pain part |
Ulam Raja |
Ulam raja is actually classified into cosmos genus that
commonly planted as a decoration plant because its flower is
beautiful and colorful. However, the one that has small
flower and pale color (pale pink) or white. It is also known
as intan berayun plant. It can grow until 2metres height, and
suitable to grow 200 meters from the sea level. It breeds
through seed which produced after its flower matures. This
plant originated from Latin America but wildly grows in
every ASEAN countries.
Chemical contents
It contains 0.3% of proteins,o.4% of fats and
carbohydrates, it also rich in lacsium and vitamin A. Its leaf
has high antioxidant (AEAC) property, each 100 grams of the
fresh leaves have the same antioxidant property to the 2400
mg of ascorbic L-acid. It contains more than 20 types of
antioxidant substances that have been identified in ulam
raja. The main anti oxidant substances are due to the
existence of protosianidin in dimer, through
hecsamer, cuersetin glycoside, chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic
acid, kripto-chlorogenic acid and (+)- catcher.
Ulam raja is used in traditional medication because it can
repair the blood flow and purify the blood from toxic
substances. It also can strengthen the bones. The extract
chloroform from its leaf has
costunolide, stigmasterol, lutein dan bipyridine that can
inhibit the activity of some bacteria and fungi like candida
albicans, Bacillus subtilis and also E.choli. |
Manjakani |
Local Name
Pokok Manjakani (mempening)
Name : Quercus infectoria Oliv
Other Names :
Alleppo oak,downy oak, gal oak, manjaan,
majakan, jenuri, kani, cympsgailae tinctoria semen (pharmaseutical name) maju / majuphul (ayurveda
Family : Fagaceae / cupuliferae |
Manjakani or "Oak galls" comes
from oak trees indigenous to Asia Minor and Persia. They are
produced when the leaves of the oak tree (Quercus
infectoria) are penetrated by stinging wasps. The
spontaneous chemical reaction caused by the penetration
stimulates the leaves to produce a round dish hard ball called
an oak gall.
The galls, which contain tannin
and small amounts of Gallic acid and ellagic acid have
antimicrobial qualities and are used in Malaysia by women
after childbirth to restore the elasticity of the uterine
wall. It is called Majuphal in India, where it has been used
as dental powder and as a treatment for toothache and
Chemical contents
Manjakani is rich in Tannin, Vitamin A & C, Calsium & Gallic
acid, Fiber, Protein & Carbohydrate, Besides that, manjakani
also contains antibacterial and antiinflammation properties.
The manjakani seed contain 50-70% of tannin and 3 % of
Gallic acid. The best manjakani seed is said to be originated
from Aleppo Syria.
Uses @ Benefits
1. Antioxidant in manjakani can reduce aging process.
2. Avoid diabetes-Gallic acid can help in preventing asthma &
3. Avoid cervical and breast cancer.
4. Avoid from unpleasant smell/white discharge (estrigent
contents in manjakani help in eliminating the bacteria, yeast
and fungi infections that cause the unpleasant smell in the
pubic region.
5. Recover the vagina tissue (tannins in manjakani can
contract the vagina muscle and firm it after giving
birth, in aging process and hormone changing.
6. Reduce the excess mucus, help in regulating
hormone, improving blood flow and providing energy.
7. Beautify the skin and prevent acne
8. Eye health-repair the sight ability.
9. To cure breast-drink manjakani can restore the elasticity
of the breast.
10. For bones & teeth- calcium in manjakani can strengthen
the teeth and bones.
11.Conserve the cleanness of the teeth
12.Prevent from dried and oily skin
13.Treat chronic cancer
14.Rich in vitamins
15.Efficacious in threatening internal wound (after giving
birth)& also for external wound.
For external use, the manjakani fruit can be sharpened at the
back of the pot and that produced is pasted at the
wound. Gallic acid in it also can be used to cure diabetes
and asthma, has laxative effect as it is rich in fiber.
In some places, the seed is braised, dried and ground until
become flour. It is used as substance to saturate the braised
and soup, it is also mixed with flour to make bread. The seed
is roasted and ground to made as drink to replace coffee.
Kacip Fatimah |
Name :
Kacip Fatimah
Name :
Labisia Pumila
Other Names
Mata Pelanduk hutan
Family :
found :
Malaysia, Thailand, Indochina |
Kacip Fatimah is a herbal woody
plant. It commonly grows wildly in the tropical rain forest
with the height about 150 feet from the sea level. This
plant breeds with 2 ways: through seed and root. This plant
can grow perfectly in cloudy area with soil that contains
high humus and does not sump water. The three types that
commonly found in Malaysia are
Labisia pumila var. Alata, L. Pumila var. Pumila and L.
Pumila var. Lanceolata. Its leaf is green in color and has
stick red fruit at the edge of the stem.
It can fasten the giving birth process besides can give back
the energy after child birth. Moreover, it also can
the uterus and make the body slim. Kacip Fatimah also can
stimulate the hormone discharge which can smoothen the
bloody discharge during menstruation. It also can reduce pain
during menstruation. The method to use for before/after child
birth is by braising (the whole plant including the leaf)
into a pot of water (the best is soil pot) and the water is
drunk. It is used to treat hemorrhoids by braising the dried
root. It also can be used to treat diarrhea, rheumatism and
Kayu Manis |
Name :
Kayu Manis
Name :
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
Other Names
Cinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon, Gui, Gui Zhi(China), Cassia ,Wood
Family :
Lauraceae |
Kayu manis
is commonly planted as decoration and shady plant because
its leaf is beautiful and and the bark is reddish in
color. The dried bark will be made as spice known as kulit
kayu manis, that widely used in every types of
cookeries, kulit kayu manis has spicy and sweet
taste, pleasant smell and hot. In archaic Egypt epoch, kulit
kayu manis is mixed in most cookeries to avoid food from
easily hackneyed. The shoot which light red in color, the
small white flower while the fruit is purple in color. Kayu
manis plant can reach the height until 30 feet and it is
classified in herbaceous plant. |
Chemical contents
A few of chemical substances in kayu manis are
asiri eugenol
oil, safrole, sinamaldehide, tannin, calsium, oksalat, resin
and substance cleanser . Oil
extract from kulit kayu manis contains 2 types of
fenilpropanoid : cinnamaldehyd and eugenol.
The oil extract is used in aroma therapy medication. It is
used to produce calm effect. The latest research shows that
by taking half spoon of kayu manis powder daily can lower
the sugar blood level of diabetes patients. This effect can
also be reached by immersing the bark of kayu manis into
any drink especially tea. The other uses of kayu manis in
medication are improve defecation, as the cure for
diarrhea (kill e-coli) and as the pain detain. It is also
natural antibacterial which can prevent the formation of
teeth plague and damaged teeth. It can also release
indigestion and nausea especially during pregnancy.