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Argan Oil is a big breakthrough for the cause of anti-aging. There are many oils in the market that claim to be anti-aging with mixed or in some cases even dubious results. Argan Oil has elevated the anti-aging phenomenon to 100% success levels. It is now in huge demand for the reversal of aging signs.

What is Anti-Aging ?

Human body is constituted of innumerable basics units called cells. These cells require food for their survival. Actually living things don't require simple food, but proper and balanced diet with all the nutrients in adequate proportions to remain healthy and strong. Natural ability of the human body to self-repair and heal itself requires two main components to accomplish this task namely the raw materials and resulting energy. Cells in human body die and replace themselves in a systematic and cyclic manner. There are three possible replacement options for cells :-


  To be replaced by weaker cells every time due to the lack of availability of proper nutritional food. This is a continuously degrading process called degeneration.  
  To be replaced by the cells of same strength and quality because of uniform supply of similar nutritional components.  
  And finally to be replaced by better, stronger and more fresh cells. It is called regeneration and is accomplished by providing balanced nutritional food to cells. This is the one that is called anti-aging.  
Argan Oil (Anti-Aging)

It has now been a proven fact and many researchers have shown that once thought to be a mere dream, anti-aging is achievable. Some of the foods like sugar, chocolate, milk and high levels of carbohydrates cause degeneration. While some like raw seed, raw fruits and vegetables cause regeneration.


Argan Oil is extracted out of raw seeds of Argan tree. Its seed are preserved inside the hard nut of Argan fruit. This fact makes it a strong contender for the anti-aging agents. Technically speaking wide variety of organic chemical substances and thir unique composition in Argan Oil is good for the regeneration of skin in a number of ways.

  80% unsaturated essential fatty acids in Argan Oil help prevent and reduce inflammation, a very deadly agent causing degeneration.  
  Presence of Squalene keeps human skin soft. Due to degeneration our skin loses its softness and tightness which are one of the most apparent symptoms of aging. Argan Oil fights against these degeneration effects.  
  Sterols in Argan Oil protects the essential protein found in human joints called Collagen, thus preventing the skin and joints from going out of shape.  
  Another very important constituent of Argan Oil are the phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds protect the body against the chemical reactivity of free radicals.  
  Very high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids in Argan Oil softens the dry and cracked skin better than the Shea butter used for this purpose.  
  Argan Oil is very useful in removing stretch mark, wrinkles and crow's feet appeared owing to aging.  

From this facts, Argan Oil 100% proven as The Best Anti Aging in the World.

Argan Oil Application (On Face)
1.Clean the face from make-up or any dirt with facial foam.
2.Drop a few Argan Oil at our palm.
3.Align the oil in your palms and apply to the face.
4.Gently massage and align Argan Oil to whole face.
5.Stop massage Argan Oil after its flat and diffuse.
6.Keep up to the next morning and wash the face as usual.

*Argan Oil as a moisturizing agent that would retain moisture.

*Use only at night and not suitable for use in the daytime, because fast reaction from Argan Oil will make your skin turns to black when exposed to sun.

*It also can be used as a base for make up by women because its non greasy.

*Massage Argan oil can stimulate the movement of blood in the face and brighten your face.

Argan Oil Application (Whole Body)
Let it dry overnight. Wash with ordinary soap next morning.
  1. Wipe your entire body with a towel to dry completely.

  2. Use a few drops of Argan Oil to the palm.

  3. Apply to the body that can be achieved and massage gently until Argan Oil absorbed into the skin.

  4. Repeat the same steps until entire body been massage by Argan Oil.

  5. Let it dry overnight. Wash with ordinary soap next morning.

*The best time use only at night.

*Massage with Argan Oil can improve blood circulation, maintain elasticity and youthfulness of your skin.

*Argan Oil can be used in a steam bath.



The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as alternative to medical advice or other professional healthcare provider. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of herbal practitioner and our community.  If you may be suffering from any medical condition, or experiencing symptoms or health problems, you should seek immediate medical attention consult  your qualified health care professional. Never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.

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